dilluns, 5 de març del 2018

Useful Language

                                              Customer complaints

Taking a call: Agafant una trucada

(Name) speaking:Parlar

How can / may I help you? Com et puc ajudar?

Asking to wait: Dir que s'esperi

Hold the line,please: No pengis la trudaca

Just a moment,please:Espera't un moment si us plau.

Asking for personal details :Preguntar per informacio personal

Can i have your name?:Puc saber el teu nom?

Can I have your adress? Puc saber la teva adreça?

Asking for information: Preguntar per informacion

What seems to be the problem? Quin tipus de problema tens

Complaining Queixes
I'm afraidit doesn't work properly. Estic preocupat de que no funcioni aviat

I guess the product is faulty. Jo penso que el producte es defectuos.

I'd like to change / return the item M'agradarie cambiar / tornar l'objecte.

I'd like to have a refund: M'agradarie que em tornesiu els diners

Apologizing Disculpar-se

I'm sorry to hear that: Em sap greu sentir aixo

Sorry, but that's our return policy: Perdo pero aixi es la nostra politica

Thank you for being so patient. Gracies per ser pacient

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