divendres, 17 de novembre del 2017

Computers today

Computers today

From already the technology is advanced but as time progresses much more and an example is the computer. The computer today is very useful and necessary for life, to investigate, to communicate with other people from far away, despite being replaced by smart phones. Now, computers in the future I think they will be super-advanced,they could become even touch your keyboard, could be thinner and larger but likewise continue to be replaced by smart phones.
  The last computers are very fast because the people use the newest technology to play games for example FIFA18 or COD. But the price is higher every year for every computer especially the Apple and Samsung computers. I think that in the next 25 years the schools will change the system to use just the computer.
   The computers changed a lot the persons because they spend more time playing games, or listening to music.
      My opinion is that the computers will be the most important device in a short time.    

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