divendres, 27 d’octubre del 2017

My life as student

My life as student

I don't use the bus so I walk to my school and arrive in 10-15 minutes.We have a small gym where the pupils do the PE. We also have more than 250 computers.
In the school you can finish the obligatory school and study administration or Information Technology. I have lunch at my home everyday.

During the breaktime I speak to my classmates about the exams and we play on our mobile phones multiplayer games and we sometimes go to the bar to buy something to drink. After school I go to my home and I sleep one hour to refresh my brain and my body so I can be prepared to finish my homework.

I have a lot of friends in my class but I think the best is Marc because we sometimes help each other. He is a very peaceful person and I can speak with him about complicated situations. He is also a tidy and brave person.

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