dilluns, 28 de maig del 2018


This football game was released last year in septermber. This year the developers of the game added a new game mode. It is about a player that name is Alex Hunter and you can play with him  in first-person.

The game was developed in Canada.

You can play with  different teams from different leagues like Laliga Santander or Premier League. They added a new system called frosbite which helps a lot the game. The game can be played in multi-player mode.

This year the game has stunning graphics and is more real then never.
The game has between 12-15 songs.

Resultat d'imatges de fifa18

dimarts, 22 de maig del 2018

My future predictions

                                              My future predictions

My heart line says that I will be content with the love of my life.

I think that I love my life .

My head line says that I will prefer physical achievements over mental ones.

I think that the second line isn't true because i prefer mental achievements over the physical.

My life line says that I will be vitality.

I think that the third line says the true about.

My fate line says that I will be prone to many changes in life from external force.

I think that the last line says the correct thing about me.

divendres, 11 de maig del 2018

Simple past

                                                        Simple past

Last year a group of teenagers travelled to USA, Washington DC, because they won some tickets to travel there. This was their dream. They visited the most important places of the USA's capital which is Washington.

When they returned  to their country, they wrote their story in their computers, because this were the best holidays for their life.