divendres, 22 de setembre del 2017



My name is Palfi Norbert and I'm 18 years old.
I was born in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. I've got one sister and one brother. My sister's name is Amani and my brother's name Ahmed. She's 11 years old and my brother 1 year old. They're from different father. My father works in a store and my mother doesn't work because she spend all her time with my small brother. I think that I'm a brave helpful and a loyal person.My favourite sport  is the football but i like basketball too. I really love the summer especially those days when I  go to the beach with my family and the winter because I remember when I lived in Romania all the city was covered with snow.  I can speak five different languages:English,Spanish,Catalan,Romanian and Hungarian.My target is to finish the Internet Technology school and to find a good job.